Executive Coaching
It’s a VUCA world that we live in today (Volatile/Uncertain/Complex/Ambiguous). They call it, The New Normal. And it’s creating big challenges for many industries, companies and individuals. How to face so much uncertainty? Manage a changing job situation? Achieve success in an increasingly competitive environment? 

If today’s new realities are creating big career challenges for you, contact us about our 1-on-1 career coaching services. Our coaching sessions will help you gain the clarity and confidence you need to continue to pursue your career development and success, especially when facing tough situations. They’ll provide you with guidance and insights to help you address your job and career challenges, and achieve a brighter future for yourself

To find out more about our career coaching services, just send a message to marketing@wang-li.com or scan the QR code below and we’ll help you with whatever you’d like to know.




What is career coaching?

Career coaching can provide you with the guidance and insights you need to address your career development challenges and attain what’s important for your success, especially in these changing times. 

Individual coaching sessions allow you to develop a deeper understanding of the issues you face and identify tangible actions to help you better manage your job and career situation.



How our career coaching can help you
If you want to do something well, understand it well first. Gaining greater clarity of your situation and then identifying ways to improve it will help you make better decisions and moves for your development and success. Whether it’s how to develop your career within so much uncertainty, manage a changing job situation, or compete in an increasingly competitive environment, our 1-on-1 coaching sessions will help you to manage your job and career challenges.


What we can help you address

You’re the one who identifies what career challenges you’d like each coaching session to address. They can be specific ones, like how to attain an objective, resolve an issue, make a key decision, etc. Or, they can be ongoing, longer-term ones, like your ability to view things from a different perspective, develop certain qualities and skills, develop a better approach to doing things, etc.

Career situations and challenges that many people seek coaching help include how to:

· Figure out your career
· Make a big job or career move
· Build your competitive advantages
· Accelerate your career development
· Develop key soft skills
· Develop your leadership
· Advance your career to the next level
· Capture attractive job opportunities
· Manage your job or career situation in difficult times



· 了解自己的职业发展路径
· 做出较大的职业变动
· 建立个人竞争优势
· 加速个人职业发展
· 发展关键软技能
· 提高个人领导力
· 将自己的职业生涯提升到新的高度
· 抓住有吸引力的工作机会
· 在困难时期管理自己的工作或职业状况

Coaching session arrangement

· Coaching sessions are arranged in coaching engagements that include of 4, 8 or 12 coaching sessions, or can be arranged individually

· Can be held offline or online (via Zoom)

· Coaching sessions are 1 ½ hours

· Coaching sessions are conducted in English

· 教练课程可分为4节制,8节制,和12节制,您也可以自行安排
· 线上或者线下皆可进行(线上通过Zoom)
· 按照双方商定的时间表安排课程
· 每次教练课程时间为1.5小时
· 教练课程以英语进行

Our coach's background
王承伦 Larry Wang
Author of career development books, Know The Game, Play The Game and How To Develop Yourself As A Future Executive, Today, about developing your soft skills and career sense
Founder/Managing Director of career & leadership development training company, Zhishangwang, and leading boutique recruitment firm, Wang & Li Asia Resources (recognized previously as China’s Recruitment Firm of the Year)
Career & leadership development KOL on Weibo (Top 10 Workplace Influencer in 2017), Zhihu, Weibo, LinkedIn, Douyin, Bilibili, etc.
Sr. Design Engineer at Mattel and Marketing Specialist at Wang LaboratoriesMBA from UCLA Anderson School of Management. M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania
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